"Whatever You may do, I will thank You.
I am ready for all; I accept all.
Let only Your will be done in me...
and I'll ask for nothing else, my Lord."
~Charles de Foucauld
I wept as I read these words, and even now the tears sting my eyes as I write them because they are what I want to be true in my life; they are words of surrender. I weep as I lay it all down before my Lord. These words are more than I can even say on my own--I must depend on His grace alone to live them out. It is His grace that even grants me the desire to follow Him. It is His grace that gives me the faith to believe. It is His grace that gives me the daily strength to follow after Him. All is grace.
"All of my ambitions hopes and plans, I surrender these into Your hands. For its only in Your will that I am free."
O, that I would live in the reality of this freedom. To understand that His yoke is easy and His burden is light and that only in true submission and obedience is true freedom found. And this is grace...
A thankfulness tree from a few year ago. This is the key to Joy-full surrender: Give Thanks in all things