Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gomer's confession

I am a whore
I took what You gave me and I asked for more
Rather than staying faithful to the marriage bed
I closed my heart to Your love and pursued my wants instead

I didn't love You first or best, 
In my whoredom I put Your love to the test.
I ran after lust, attention and fun
It felt good for a moment and then it was done.

The world's love left me empty, 
It could never fulfill
I now know true love is only found in Your will.

Held in Your arms--I find peace and rest
Forever I am Yours, forever I'm blest!

(*read more about God's heart for us over here with one of my favorite Christian musicians, Mike Donehey.)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bearer of our sin and shame

Remembering my blatant sin my face burns red with shame
Knowing that as Your child I have failed to declare Your name
I know my sin has cost You dear
Yet in Your perfect love I find forgiveness and enter without fear.
I thank You for Your Son, who bore my sin and shame.
I rejoice to know that on His heart He bears my name!
Like Adam in the garden, I am naked before Him now, 
My sinful heart exposed in truth. Before Him low I bow.
He lifts my head and clothes me once again
Washed by His blood, my guilty conscience cleansed.
My life I give to worship the Lord my King. 
My voice I raise, His praise alone to sing!

Hope is here

Hope is here.
Amidst despair
though nations war and rage
though hate may seem to win the day
though fears o'erwhelm and threaten to drown
Hope is here.

Hope is here.
Amidst our doubts
though famine plague us
though disease prevails
though courage fails and my heart sinks low
Hope is here.

Hope is here!
As the dawn breaks new each morn
with clarity and wonder my soul eyes see
All Your faithfulness Lord to me
Hope is here!

Hope is here!
As You promise to ne'er forsake me
though the darkness swells around me
And though Your face I cannot see
Your hand it holds me
You never let go of me
Hope is here!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

All that I desire

I was reading Mark 10 this morning and the audacity of verse 35 struck me like never before. 

James and John, come to the Lord and they say "Master,we want You to do for us whatever we ask of You." 

Excuse me??? James and John, did I hear you correctly? You are telling the Lord of Creation to give you whatever you want??

Earlier in the chapter we see two examples of what happens when man is given whatever he wants. 

First in verses 1-12 the Lord is teaching about divorce. He explains that divorce was only allowed because of the hardness of the hearts of men. God gave them what they wanted and in the process families were destroyed and sin continued.

Then in verses 17-31 we see the story of the rich young ruler. He had been extremely blessed with material things. He had everything that he wanted and those very things became the barrier that kept him from following Christ and gaining eternal life. 

Do we really want God to give us what we want? How often are we like James and John, making demands of the Lord Most High about what we think is best for us?

I know in my own life that I have recently seen myself doing this very thing. I was chasing after something that was not mine to have. God had clearly shown me that and yet I was angry with Him for not giving me what I wanted. How thankful I am that our God is a loving Father who gives us what is best for us. He did not give me what I wanted and I am so thankful. Rather He reminded me that He has already given me all that I need in the person of His Son the Lord Jesus and His work on the cross. 
May I never forget the lesson that I have learned!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

In the Shadow of the Steeple

In the shadow of the steeple,
my worries war and rage
My feelings run me ragged at the ending of this day;
My anger boils hot at the injustice I have seen.
I have tried and often failed to shine in this world of need. 
MY burden is so heavy, my heart, it breaks in two.
These troubles are too much, I don't know what I can do.
 But then I hear You calling at the closing of the day,
  "Come unto Me. The weary ones I will never turn away."
In the shadow of the steeple I feel the shadow of the Rock--
As You lift my burden from me and nail it to the cross. 
O Lord I find my shelter forever in Your love.
Fill me with Your grace that others they may see,
reflected in my life, the love, O Lord of Thee.