Saturday, September 29, 2012

In need of Grace

I was reading tonight @ and one phrase caught my eye "Grace always asks if you want more." Oh, yes Lord, I want more--because I need more of Your grace! And the following is just a glimpse of why I need His grace. 

I was discussing tonight with a friend how speaking the truth about who Jesus is and what He has done for us is a necessary part of sharing the gospel. How this really is a gospel of the Word and without spoken, or written word much about who He is would fail to be expressed. 

The  sad irony is that earlier this same night I almost opened my mouth to testify of my Lord's amazing grace in my workplace this summer and I didn't. Either because of fear of what the hearer might think, or second guessing myself because "surely they wouldn't understand," or perhaps not wanting to make them feel uncomfortable--- I spoke empty words instead. These excuses seem pretty paltry in comparison with the importance of the issue at hand--eternal life with Jesus Christ or eternal death without Him. May I never lose sight of that again!

And so Lord Jesus, I need Your grace
I cannot, in my own strength, run this race
Forgive me for the times I fail
Help me Lord to walk Your trail
Jesus Lord please fix my eyes
Keep me pressing for the prize
May I run thus unashamed
Bringing all glory to Your name!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Called & Qualified

I was reading Exodus this morning and I came to the unique narrative about the men who were equipped to do the work of building the tabernacle. 
I was struck by the first part of verse 2: "See, I have called by name..." Here are these seemingly previously unknown men, who have never been mentioned before and will never be mentioned again as far as I know, and the LORD God, the Creator of the universe, steps in and says "I have called by name..." What an awesome thing! And how amazing to know that He has also called me by name!
The LORD goes on to say in the next few verses that He has filled them with the Spirit of God, He has gifted them with ability and intelligence, knowledge and craftsmanship. I love that--He not only called them; He qualified them. 

After reading that this morning I was reminded of it again as we read 1 Corinthians chapter 1 at Bible Study tonight. Paul starts out by reminding the Corinthians of their calling: "Called to be saints...and called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our LORD." And in between those two callings he reminds them of their equipping that by the grace of God they are "enriched in Him in all speech and all knowledge,"not lacking in any gift,"guiltless in the day of Jesus Christ." 

All of this is mine in Christ Jesus and it blows my mind. I know that I am a rotten sinner. I worry and fret. I get angry. I gossip. I am grumpy. I forget to look out for the interests of others. I forget to pray. I speak harshly. I judge too quickly. I fail to show mercy.


Amazing grace is shown to me. I am a saint. I am in fellowship with Jesus Christ. I am equipped to serve by the grace of God. I am qualified to serve by that same grace. What an amazing God we serve!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

God still speaks

It is amazing to see how God still speaks into our lives through His word!
Yesterday I was wrestling with a difficult situation--not one that I have any control over but something that deeply burdened my heart nonetheless. I was angry and frustrated--seemingly just at the situation, but ultimately I realized that I was angry with God for allowing things to be as they are.
I went to chapel for our weekly prayer and Bible study and I hardly heard a thing that the speaker said except for two verses from 2 Chronicles 20.

The people of Israel are up against a hard situation and they cry out to the Lord "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You." And the Lord responds--"You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the LORD."

In my own life with this difficult situation--I do not know what to do---I am incredibly frustrated as a health care professional to feel like my hands are tied. The reality is that I am in the same position as the children of Israel, not just in this situation, but in all areas of my life. I am not wise or knowledgeable apart from the Lord and so I must look to Him.

And I love the Lord's answer--"You will not need to fight." This took all the anger right out of my heart--He will fight for me. He only asks that I hold my position--which from the previous verse is a simple one--with my eyes on Him!

What a mighty God we serve!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cloudy Day

   This morning as I drove to work I was struck by the amazing beauty of the sun rising and breaking through the clouds. I think that the sunrise is actually more beautiful on those days when there are clouds to shine through. You can disagree but it started me thinking about the purpose of the cloud in scripture. The cloud is often used as the covering of the glory of the Lord. In our modern world we often think of clouds in connection with trials and difficulties. It struck me that when the sun breaks through the clouds the beauty is more breathtaking than the beauty of a cloudless day. And likewise when the Son of Glory shines through the trials of our lives the beauty is more beautiful, more deep and rich, than the beauty of a life without the refining fire of trials.