Thursday, September 20, 2012

Called & Qualified

I was reading Exodus this morning and I came to the unique narrative about the men who were equipped to do the work of building the tabernacle. 
I was struck by the first part of verse 2: "See, I have called by name..." Here are these seemingly previously unknown men, who have never been mentioned before and will never be mentioned again as far as I know, and the LORD God, the Creator of the universe, steps in and says "I have called by name..." What an awesome thing! And how amazing to know that He has also called me by name!
The LORD goes on to say in the next few verses that He has filled them with the Spirit of God, He has gifted them with ability and intelligence, knowledge and craftsmanship. I love that--He not only called them; He qualified them. 

After reading that this morning I was reminded of it again as we read 1 Corinthians chapter 1 at Bible Study tonight. Paul starts out by reminding the Corinthians of their calling: "Called to be saints...and called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our LORD." And in between those two callings he reminds them of their equipping that by the grace of God they are "enriched in Him in all speech and all knowledge,"not lacking in any gift,"guiltless in the day of Jesus Christ." 

All of this is mine in Christ Jesus and it blows my mind. I know that I am a rotten sinner. I worry and fret. I get angry. I gossip. I am grumpy. I forget to look out for the interests of others. I forget to pray. I speak harshly. I judge too quickly. I fail to show mercy.


Amazing grace is shown to me. I am a saint. I am in fellowship with Jesus Christ. I am equipped to serve by the grace of God. I am qualified to serve by that same grace. What an amazing God we serve!

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