Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why I love Camp

I found a picture of the old chapel barn on my computer a few nights ago and it got me thinking about how wonderful camp is and how many great things God has done there. 

Camp for me is a bit of a heritage. My grandparents have been a part of camp since almost day one. My mom and dad met there and so you could almost say that without camp I wouldn't even be here. 

But the best thing about camp is that when I was 4 years old we went to family camp and there for the first time that I can remember (probably more because I was just then old enough to really remember, not because it was actually the first time) I heard that old, old story of Jesus and His love. 

I remember sitting in the tepee and learning this chorus:
"My heart was black with sin, until the Savior came in.
His precious blood I know has washed me white as snow, 
and in God's word I'm told, I'll walk the streets of gold.
What a wonderful, wonderful day, He washed my sins away!"

I remember going home from that week and not long after walking into the kitchen and asking my mom how I could be saved. I may have been little, but I knew full well that I was a sinner in need of a Savior.

I praise the Lord for the work of camp in my life--first and foremost to point me to salvation, and secondly for all the years of discipleship and service that the Lord has given me there. 

And so when people ask why I love camp--that is why, because it was there that I met Jesus!

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