I was reading Solomon's accounting of the house that he built for the Lord. The temple was a magnificient structure--it took 7 years to complete! But Solomon, in all his wisdom, says this: "The house that I am to build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods. But who is able to build him a house, since heaven, even highest heaven, cannot contain him? Who am I to build a house for him, except as a place to make offerings before him?" 2Chronicles 2:5-6
The work that we do for the Lord is just that-- an offering of worship before Him. It is not because of our greatness "Who am I?" but because of His greatness that we give our lives as worship for Him, and to Him for His glory!
I am thankful today for:
The reminder that our God is a miracle working God!!
A new look at an old story--seeing through the life of Mary that not understanding and yet believing can walk hand in hand as we wonder at all that He is!!
The sun rise reminding me that the Son has risen!!
Hope and healing in the ICU
His grace is sufficient for me!!
He alone is worthy of all praise
For warmth when it is cold, and cold when it is warm--oh, Lord, we are so blessed
For chats over lunches with good friends
For seeing & surrendering to Him each day
For the care and genuine concern and encouragement for me offered by dear friends
For being able to catch glimpses of what God is doing!
I love the thankful list!