Thursday, May 24, 2012

His love endures forever

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!
For His love endures forever

To Him who brought my godly parents together
For His love endures forever
To Him who formed me in my mother's womb
For His love endures forever
To him who brought me safe and whole into this world
For His love endures forever
To him who drew me to Himself when I was still a young child
for His love endures forever
To Him who blessed me with siblings who love and follow Him
for His love ensures forever
To Him who carried me through my childhood in health and safety
For His love endures forever
To Him who gave me grace to enjoy His creation
For his love endures forever
To Him who teaches me daily about Himself
For His love endures forever
To Him who gave me freedom to run and play
For His love endures forever
To Him who granted that I should live in the prettiest corner of the world
For His love endures forever
To Him who surrounded me with those who are striving after Him
For His love endures forever
To Him who gave us the gift of laughter
For His love endures forever
To Him who gave me years to serve and learn at Camp
For His love endures forever
To Him who gave up His own Son
For His love endures forever
To Him who has saved my soul and keeps it still
For His love endures forever
To Him who guides my steps and hold my hand
For His love endures forever
To Him who is the Resurrection and the Life
For His love endures forever
To Him who carries us through the valley of the shadow.
For His love endures forever
To Him who is my comfort in the sorrows of this life
For His love endures forever
To Him to who is my peace and taught me to pray believing
For His love endures forever
To Him who "hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock"
For His love endures forever

What are your thanksgivings to the One whose love endures forever?

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