"May you resist the urge to compare yourself to those who seem to have it easy, and may you learn the peace that comes from thankful hands in the midst of things that are hard. "
Sometimes I am not very good at resisting that urge. I look around me and the grass looks green everywhere but here. I sing song #9 and focus on the beginning of the song (I'm losing everyone) instead of the end (I know I can't lose You). I look at myself and say "what a mess." And I whine. Instead of thankful hands I have clenched fists. Instead of hands open to receive whatever the Good Giver sees fit to give me I cover my face with my hands and fret and fear.
Father forgive me for clenched hands, ungrateful sighs, and a fearful heart. May I learn to be thankful in all things. May I learn to rest in Your wisdom and trust in Your grace.
Thank-full now for these things:
- That all things are grace!
- That He holds my hand
- that His grace is sufficient for me
- For perfectly timed phone calls reminding me of the God who loves
- For sharing in joy this weekend!
- For friends far and near
- for the courage to be real
- For my family close by
- For spending time with my youth group kids
- for my friend's eerily perfect mimicry of my laugh--if nothing else it keeps me humble :)
- For questions I do not have answers to that cause me to seek the Lord
- For people in my life who are willing to say hard things (Lord give me a heart to hear)
- For the connectedness that modern technology allows
- For the sweetness of meeting together around the bread and the cup with the Lord's people
- For having a Sunday with all my "kids" back home
- For new friends and old.
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