"Do not let the sun go down upon your anger"
Answer me this: do you hold grudges? "No" you say...well then consider when was the last time someone hurt you or someone you love? Can you think of that incident without getting angry? Can you love and pray for the person who hurt you?
So, do you hold any grudges?
I ask those questions to myself as much as to anyone out there who may be reading this, and to my shame I answer yes. I find it hard to forgive. I find it hard not to hold on to anger. I have been wrestling with this for a while. And by the grace of God I am learning to let go. I am letting go of my rights, my control, and submitting to His sovereignty.
Tonight I read something written by someone else who is dealing with this issue of anger. He has every right to be angry but he expresses that reacting in anger toward the situation and the people that have injured him is really his sinful flesh telling him that he could have done better than God and that God's plan wasn't best.(Missions Magazine, pg 16)
That struck a chord with me because I often focus my anger on how wrong someone else was or how much better I could have dealt with a particular situation. By holding on to my anger I am in fact saying that God didn't have things under control or that He allowed something that I think He shouldn't have.
And so Lord, I give up. I let go of my anger and I surrender to You. I ask Lord that You would forgive me and that I would forgive with that same forgiveness. Thank you for the reminder that You are the Blessed Controller of All things. In Jesus Name,
Thankful tonight for All things!
This Sara Groves song
A day at home to relax
Good results from my test today
The Leading of the Lord
The prayers of His people
Beautiful, Christ-centered graduation this weekend for my sister
Getting to visit with old friends
Seeing the work of God in the lives around me
The un-contained joy of my small silly dog when I come home
Being able to laugh at myself
The incredible peace that the Lord granted me today and thru the night
Having my family so close
trials of this life because they cause me to seek Him more
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