Monday, May 14, 2012

One life

I recently watched National Treasure 2; and while I know that posting this will probably cause my family to say that I really overthink movies; it brought an interesting point to view and I thought I would share. 

At one point the "bad guy" in the movie states "A man has only one lifetime, but history can remember you forever." And so I wondered, is that true?

I also just finished a book by Max Lucado called "Outlive your Life." 

I was thinking about that idea--what does it mean to outlive your life? Does it mean, as the man in National Treasure 2 believes, that you will be remembered after you die? If so, who do you want to remember you? And how do you want to be remembered? 

I don't believe that history can remember you forever--maybe if you are very, very wicked or may be if you are very, very kind then history might remember you for hundreds, even thousands of years. But if memory is left up to the human race--I think eventually most people will be forgotten. So if you are leaving your wish to be remembered to the human race you are placing your hope in the wrong place.

But memory is not left up to the human race: there is One who sits as Judge, and in the book of Daniel He is called "the Ancient of Days." He has always been and always will be---He sees the good and the evil and One day all men will answer for the deeds that they have done. And so I am thankful that when it comes to "outliving" my life--the end is already sure. I will outlive my life on this earth because I believe these words "And this is eternal life that they may know You the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." And I pray that I may outlive myself to the glory and praise of God. That when my works are burned in the fire that there will be gold that remains. 

And so I place my trust each day in the Lord Jesus who will never forget me, and pray that I will live to honor Him.

I will leave you with the lyrics to this old Southern Gospel song:

I know my name will never be written down in history 
but Jesus wrote my name in the Book of Life and that's enough for me....
I'm gonna live forever
I'm gonna die no never
Jesus died on the tree for me
and I'm gonna live forever.

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